I help great causes tell their story…
What I can do for you
I help not-for-profit organisations to explain why they exist, and show the impact they have on the world. That means creating messaging for complex global campaigns. Writing DM, emails and websites that inspire people to act. Crafting narratives for major fundraising causes. And lots more.
Who I’ve worked with
I work for people and organisations who want to make a difference. That could mean international NGOs fighting injustice, arts organisations bringing communities together, health institutions saving lives, environmental charities protecting our planet or universities funding ground-breaking research.
How I’ll work with you
After nearly 20 years in communications teams, I’ve learned a lot about how to create the best work and hit deadlines. I know that a clear brief and establishing an in-depth understanding of what you need at the start can save so much time, energy and money further down the line.